Shop NowJUME恒温眼罩来自中国专业中医团队协作研发, 含有国际MDSD安全成分认证.
JUME恒温眼罩采用中药真实添加叶黄素, 决明子, 黄瓜精华和越橘高抗氧化成分促进眼睛血液循环, 以达到改善黑眼圈, 失眠, 淡化细纹和消眼水肿问题.
Why Choose “Your Product”?

Natural Ingredients
Natural eye care supplements usually list food sources as 100% from vegetables and fruits extract.
"Natural" is better , healthier and safer for you to direct consume.

Formulated in Australia
As Australia-made supplements products gained popularity around the globe .
We provide Australian-made products that enable you and your family to improve your eye health.

Powder supplement
Powder supplements for direct consume is more rapidly absorbed by the body and more convenient and easier for many people to bring out

No preservative / No harmful ingredients
Provide safety and stable supplement that strictly approved by KKM and SGS.